Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Isn’t love a funny thing?
Or is it us being ionic?
Ok, we all know it’s something we need.
And we will go all the way,
Just to find that special somebody.
Lying, being screwed… so be it.

But when we finally come face to face with it,
We turn away,
Too timid, so to speak,
Too afraid of losing it.

No, I’m not going to turn away this time.
I’m not going to do something I might regret
For the rest of my life.

Because I still like it when you care if my appetite is fed,
Because I still like it when you order food for me.
Because I still like it when you know what is good for me.
Because I still like it when you do the thing (with that thing).

And so,
If love has a rule, screw it.
Life is too damn short to be following with these rules.
If love comes with a price, bring it.
I have got nothing to lose.

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