Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Song of the day : Into the fire By Thirteen Senses

So it’s like “desperate housewives” didn’t give me the kick enough, “Grey’s anatomy” just got me hooked. I don’t know if I’m the only TV freak here, but “Grey’s anatomy” just rocks big time. I mean it’s ER + SCRUBS + hell lots more… It always gives me goosebumps (the good ones) every time I watched the show and I don’t know how I can describe it further than to ask you to watch it yourself if you want to know what I am talking about. For those who don’t know, it’s on channel 5 every Mondays at 11pm, right after the “desperate housewives”. It really makes being doctors and surgeons seems like a very cool and meaningful job to have, and even if you would think maybe, it’s just another drama series, why not give it a try and maybe get a cure for your “Monday blues”? I know I did and it kind of work for me…...

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