Me with A Reindeer-Wannabe
Got myself a pair of black jeans to make the day's squeezing worthwhile. Haha...We got all the wrong reasons for buying new stuff, don't we? Well, that would be the christmas spirit I guessed...
Took an online quiz and found out that I'm actually Yellow...The first thing which came into my mind is, "yellow, yellow, dirrty fellow". Ya, which is also what my friends called me during my days in Jiemin Primary School. If you wonder why, it's only because I belonged to the "Yellow House" at that time. It was so so so so long ago...Anyhow, more on the quiz...
The color of brightness and sunshine - you sure know how to add color to someones life! A primary color, the color of sun, life and happiness - you sure do live a wonderful life and possess the unique ability to brighten anyones day with a mere touch. The color of royalty, smileys and happiness - be proud of being Yellow!
Playing with fate
In life, there will be some people you don’t wish to see.
But still, fate plays with you like your worst enemy.
So now, that’s the situation I’m in.
That person is standing right in front of me.
And here’s the thing so as to speak,
It’s not like I hate him or anything.
I guess I’m also the one he doesn’t want to see,
So why make each other’s day so unhappy?
My plan is, I try to be nice.
I mean, it’s not that hard to smile and say hi.
It doesn’t even matter if he doesn’t reply.
It will just save me from saying goodbye.
Call me being fake or even a hypocrite,
I’m doing the right thing, that’s what my mother will say.
She insists on telling me to keep my friends close but my enemies closer.
“No thanks”, I told her.
The various components are:
The boiler which turn water to steam
Steam pass to the superheater to become superheated vapor
finally to the steam turbine to the generator to produce electricity
Some readings to obtain for calculations
According to the lab tech who bought the power plant, any part of the component can easily cost up to a few million dollars. But for us, MAE students in ntu, it's free. For a geeky student like me, it's a good thing.
your new school timetable is up!!! kindof sad but I must say I did enjoy my 3 months break, even for the fact that I have to go back to school 3 times a week, in the first month, for my psychology classes. Compared to last year, I am having alittle less anticipation now maybe because I'm not "new bird" anymore. But still, there are stuff to get used to, for example, prepare for lectures and quizs, doing tutorials and REALLY STUDY for a BETTER GPA. Yah, tell me about it...
Lately my presence is getting on the nerves of everybody
Even my best friend doesn’t seem to get me.
I don’t know what is happening,
Only that your smile and your perfect hair aren’t really helping.
My world, I just want it to be just you and me.
My time, I just want it to freeze when you were with me.
My plan, I just want it to involve around you and me.
My dream, I just want it to be you and me.
Are you feeling what I am feeling?
Are you on the same page as me?
Am I the only one dreaming?
Am I supposed to be the one waiting?
Maybe an answer from you will end my misery.
But then will I still get to see u every morning?
It’s official
After 3 years of wondering which engineering I might be getting into in NTU, I finally got my answer on 25th June 2007. I’m glad to announce that it’s my first choice: Mechanical Engineering. The best part is Akbar, Eugene, Junjie, Kenny…and all are going to study the same course too. At least now, I have got Akbar to go to school with everyday. I’m glad.
GST credit has already been deposited into my bank account. That will be an additional $300 to spend before I get my part time job. At the moment, $300 may seems to be quite a big sum of money to me, but still it’s not an excuse not to find a job for the month of July. In Singapore, you will NEED MORE THAN $300 to SURVIVE.
The weather has been really really hot these days. At first, I thought I can cut my hair only before school reopens (to save money), but I changed my mind when I realized I has been bathing at least 2 times everyday. So... here is it... my new haircut.
Before>>>>>>>>>>> After
It’s been over a week since I am done with my psychology paper. “How’s it?” Let’s not go there. Right now, I am almost free while hunting for a temp job before school starts in aug again. I seriously hate how money makes the rich lazy and the poor ones working. It’s not that working is a bad thing but seeing those wealthy ones going overseas for holiday or, at least, enjoying their time at the Great Singapore Sale really makes my eyes sore. DO I HAVE A CHOICE? This is the key issue. No money = No talk + No choice.
Maybe I am pushing myself too hard. I meant what was I thinking when I decided to take a special term one week right after my exam was over, and now, can’t wait to work after my special term is over. Maybe I should just like my hair down a little before they are all gone due to stress and tiredness. At least until I got my temp job.
While waiting for grey’s anatomy to start its 4th season, I am watching Brothers & Sisters starring the one and only Calista Flockhart. To be honest, She is the reason why I watch the series at first but now, I am hooked to all the characters and relationships of the Walker’s family. Every episode is like a party. I am hoping for the 2nd season to be aired soon. If not, I will be spending more hours on drama shows rather than lect notes when school reopens.
Speaking of school, I got kicked out of my hall. Haiz... I got all my stuff back at home and after the special term, i must say, I am still not used to the traveling. As a result, all I can do now is to plan my time table really really well in order to save time and travel cost. But according to what they said, yr2 's schedule will be tigher than yr1's. We shall see how then.
You are all that matters
It’s the crave of sleeping with you every wake-up in the mornings.
It’s the noise of my alarm clock that disturbed your sleep.
It’s the getaway you planned so hard but I failed to meet.
It’s the number of “I love you” in exchange with my “I’m sorry”.
It’s the smell of your breathe in the mid of a cold breeze.
It’s the taste of your tongue like nobody’s.
It’s the words you said that made me believe in fairy tales again.
It’s the moment when I look at you and you don’t look away.
It’s the everyday life you turn into Halloween.
It’s how right you were about me that I hate to admit.
It’s how you pretend to like my taste in music.
It’s the number of calls from you in London when I was sick.
And of course, it’s the expensive gifts you showered on me
and telling me how my smile is all you need.
These days…
Finally, I am done with psychology quiz 1 and 2. Just one week after my exam, psychology module kicked in and it’s 10 chapters to study within 5 weeks. Like Biology, it’s an interesting subject, with lots of nice videos to see. But it’s a lot of information to digest with very little time. Seriously, you can’t cover a chapter within the 2 hours lecture. So no choice, weekend have to be spent studying the textbook. Quiz 1- 14/16, Quiz 2- 15/16…not bad right?
Moved out of my hall, which means back to staying at home. I still find it a chore to travel from home to school, especially for just 2 hrs lessons, 3 times a week. Maybe this is the reason why I choose to stay in hall in the first place. I just hope that they will accept my hostel application for my yr2.
Being at home means more tv time. I have been losing touch of the news and the outside world during my stay in hall. Sadly, all the news I heard is not good news. There are so many cases in which people die just like that. Incidents like the 2 NSFs in Taiwan training, the women killed by fallen tree during her morning walk…etc. It really makes me realize how sudden your life can be taken away…like the chickens and ducks in the farms. The only difference is you have your love ones crying for you after you were gone and it’s like that will make things better?!?
Finally, i watched "Hard Candy". It's the movie I wanted to watch since sem1 but I remembered only a few cinemas has it and Eugene chose to watch "The Lake House" over it. By the way, “Hard Candy” is not a porno film. I told so many of my friends and porn is the first thing that came to their heads. Anyway, “Hard Candy” is definitely more realistic and intense than “The Lake house”. It’s about a 32 yo guy meeting up a 14 yo teenage girl whom he chatted over the Internet and realized he is not on top of his game. Still, it’s not porn.
Finally, exam over, yr1 over. Yeah, 3 months long break. I wanna thank akbar and xin xin and sandy and students from my malay class. Without you all, I will not be able to even finished my malay exam paper. So TERIMA KASIH! OH…and happy belated birthday to me…haha…BIG 22 on the 22nd of April. It’s a big thing!!! Spent it with Eugene, studying material science!?! So glad that my room mate is Eugene. I wanna eat pizza and he agreed. It's really the small little things that count. And thanks for the Avril lavigne CD, The Best Damn Thing. I am happy. And thanks chin bee for spiderman 3 even though she is the one who wanna watch it. I am happy.
22 liao…I still remembered my 21st birthday wish is to enjoy my uni life and make some good friends, and I did. I just wish my result will be good this time round. Haha… but no matter what my results will be, I tried my best…not studying, but doing the exam papers. Trust me, there is a difference. Meanwhile, I wanna dedicate this song to all the teachers who set the exam papers…Thanks…
Suddenly the room needs to be cleaned.
Suddenly my stomach is always empty.
Suddenly I agreed it’s good to sleep early.
Suddenly I can’t seem to breathe.
Maybe it’s due to the weather.
Maybe the bed is a better table.
Maybe I should use pen instead of pencil.
Maybe studying is not my kind of thing after all these years.
Unless the notes have all the answers.
Unless I can beat all those china students.
Unless Avril lavigne would be my teacher.
Unless I can concentrate a little better.
But I like studying,
Just that it makes me think,
Think of the weirdest reason,
To get out of it.
Bittersweet Memories
If you were to ask me what kind of student I used to be,
Honestly speaking, I couldn’t give you an exact answer.
Lessons were always boring from what I could remember,
With me hiding at the far end of the corner.
Ya…I was that kid in high school.
And what kept me going was the trip to school.
I would wake up early to stand in front of the queue,
Not boarding the train until I saw you.
I never knew your name,
We weren’t from the same school.
Your uniform always looked so new,
I felt so good standing next to you.
If only you knew how I feel,
If only I were within your scope of view,
If only you would take some time away from your book,
If only I had the courage to say “I like you”.
True enough, I didn’t get to see you after the summer break.
I even went to wait at your school’s main gate.
It’s either you have moved or graduated,
But it sure left me with one hell of a heartache.