Friday, May 18, 2007

These days…

Finally, I am done with psychology quiz 1 and 2. Just one week after my exam, psychology module kicked in and it’s 10 chapters to study within 5 weeks. Like Biology, it’s an interesting subject, with lots of nice videos to see. But it’s a lot of information to digest with very little time. Seriously, you can’t cover a chapter within the 2 hours lecture. So no choice, weekend have to be spent studying the textbook. Quiz 1- 14/16, Quiz 2- 15/16…not bad right?

Moved out of my hall, which means back to staying at home. I still find it a chore to travel from home to school, especially for just 2 hrs lessons, 3 times a week. Maybe this is the reason why I choose to stay in hall in the first place. I just hope that they will accept my hostel application for my yr2.

Being at home means more tv time. I have been losing touch of the news and the outside world during my stay in hall. Sadly, all the news I heard is not good news. There are so many cases in which people die just like that. Incidents like the 2 NSFs in Taiwan training, the women killed by fallen tree during her morning walk…etc. It really makes me realize how sudden your life can be taken away…like the chickens and ducks in the farms. The only difference is you have your love ones crying for you after you were gone and it’s like that will make things better?!?

Finally, i watched "Hard Candy". It's the movie I wanted to watch since sem1 but I remembered only a few cinemas has it and Eugene chose to watch "The Lake House" over it. By the way, “Hard Candy” is not a porno film. I told so many of my friends and porn is the first thing that came to their heads. Anyway, “Hard Candy” is definitely more realistic and intense than “The Lake house”. It’s about a 32 yo guy meeting up a 14 yo teenage girl whom he chatted over the Internet and realized he is not on top of his game. Still, it’s not porn.

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