Talking about days of our lives…
With all the army things going on right now (who says anything about LHY? Who? Who?) and the 9pm drama which is showing on channel 8 now, remind me of my army days. So this morning, I went to flip the pages of my journal I wrote in camp and came across the entry I now still find it quite funny when I rethink of it. Here it goes…
With all the army things going on right now (who says anything about LHY? Who? Who?) and the 9pm drama which is showing on channel 8 now, remind me of my army days. So this morning, I went to flip the pages of my journal I wrote in camp and came across the entry I now still find it quite funny when I rethink of it. Here it goes…

060105 (Thurs)
-Don’t be lazy!!! Must always wake up for breakfast…It’s the right thing to do, if not (before), CSM gives EXTRAS…
-B4 SOC, or other exercise, do equipment check! It’s not the men’s fault to forget stuff, it’s commanders’ fault not doing their duties to ensure.
-Commanders Vs High creditable Men
-Don’t wait 4 things to happen. Initiative…
-Don’t always treat men like friends. Know what’s the right time.
-Sispec’s Specialist Creed. Work according to that.
“I am the Specialist of Singapore Army,
With pride I lead,
I excel in my specialist field,
I ensure the discipline of my soldier and readiness of their equipment,
I will overcome adversity with my fighting spirit,
I will defend Singapore with my life.”
-Commanders do your jobs. Punish the men if necessary. Don’t wait for PS or PC to punish. If not, then you are not doing your job.
Thinking back, I guessed we are all trying to learn to do the right things. Failure is not a bad thing if it made us a better person. The funny thing is, most of the words in that entry came from an officer whom I slowly lost respect to as time went by. Still I wish him all the best and ORD is still the best thing which has happened to me so far.
-Don’t be lazy!!! Must always wake up for breakfast…It’s the right thing to do, if not (before), CSM gives EXTRAS…
-B4 SOC, or other exercise, do equipment check! It’s not the men’s fault to forget stuff, it’s commanders’ fault not doing their duties to ensure.
-Commanders Vs High creditable Men
-Don’t wait 4 things to happen. Initiative…
-Don’t always treat men like friends. Know what’s the right time.
-Sispec’s Specialist Creed. Work according to that.
“I am the Specialist of Singapore Army,
With pride I lead,
I excel in my specialist field,
I ensure the discipline of my soldier and readiness of their equipment,
I will overcome adversity with my fighting spirit,
I will defend Singapore with my life.”
-Commanders do your jobs. Punish the men if necessary. Don’t wait for PS or PC to punish. If not, then you are not doing your job.
Thinking back, I guessed we are all trying to learn to do the right things. Failure is not a bad thing if it made us a better person. The funny thing is, most of the words in that entry came from an officer whom I slowly lost respect to as time went by. Still I wish him all the best and ORD is still the best thing which has happened to me so far.
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