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Today, I joined my aunt to be a banquet at the Le Meridien hotel. I always thought working as a banquet would be quite relaxing until I tried it out myself. After filling up the personal information and collecting our uniforms, we went for a briefing by the manager who divided the lot of banquets into 4 teams. In my team, there are 3 guys and 3 gals and turned out that the guys would be the runners whose role was to bring out all the plates of food to gals to serve. Imagine carrying 10 plates of main course dishes on a tray for countless of rounds…Furthermore, different dishes are located at different rooms and you really have to walk fast, not run, so as not to break the plates or glasses. The gals will be inside the hall topping drinks for the guests. After the guests finished the food, the runners then have to bring all the dirty plates, collected by the gals, into the big smelly basin in the kitchen. The grant finale will be the packing up after the guests left. The gals cleared up the tables while the guys stacked up the chairs and rolled the cleared tables into the furniture room. All in all, it’s really like sia kang for just $6 per hour. The good thing is I managed not to break anything and my captain and staffs were nice. But honestly speaking, being a banquet is really not my dish. It’s going to be my once in a lifetime experience and hence, the photo for memory.
Less fantasy, more reality
When Love needed some motions,
Are you going to make it happen?
Don’t just say all the right things,
I’m not sure how long I can keep waiting.
There’s a thing they have been telling me.
Better regret the things you do, than the things you don’t do.
I don’t need you to be a slut or something,
I just need you to know, you can have my cake and eat it too.
So go for it, I’m sure you will like.
Don’t be shy, I shall give you some guides.
Kiss me when you say you love me,
Bite me when you feel like it.
“Less fantasy, more reality” is my policy,
Do you get what I mean?