Saturday, December 30, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thanks and no thanks…
Thanks for telling me you visit my blog diligently, no thanks for asking me to update my blog diligently… and thanks for telling me everything is gonna be better once I get used to the situations. I guess I am getting used to being a schoolboy again. Getting used to getting over with getting lousy grades. Now, it’s going to be just mugging for the nightmare that is going to haunt me in less than a month time. Meaning to say, I will be coming in here less often. Anyhow, hope to bring you guys good news during my next update. Wish me luck and all the concentration I need. I will miss you all and this is true.
Get music codes at Bolt.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
It’s not about getting the As and Bs,
It’s not about meeting the deadlines,
It’s not about being punctual for lectures,
It’s not about finding answers to your tutorials,
It’s not about getting ahead of the class,
It’s not about chasing time,
It’s not about being right.
Tell me…
A guy like me can only hold up for so long. It’s intense, very very intense hanging in there and I am done. I just want to sit down and waste time. I just want to have more fun. Yeah, I’m unhappy and complaining and you are right, I’m living in Singapore, the tell-me-when-to-smile city. Kill me now…pls…I promise I will die smiling.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Upload music at Bolt.
This is Me so far….
Sitting in a LT,
That’s how my day usually begins.
With a pencil and a highlighter,
Painting the notes on the table.
Trying hard listening to the lecturer,
As the surrounding’s murmurs getting louder.
An hour passed and I have no idea,
When the lecturer asked if we got the whole picture.
Attending tutorials after lunch is the worst.
Your eyes start to close even if your tutor is a pretty girl.
“Vectors, Optics, Limits, Acid…etc” so many chapters,
Takes only one month to cover.
Soon it’s two weeks to exam.
Chinese saying, I’m like an ant
Under a wok of fire.
Now then I realized,
Uni life is, after all, not that enjoyable.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Today, I joined my aunt to be a banquet at the Le Meridien hotel. I always thought working as a banquet would be quite relaxing until I tried it out myself. After filling up the personal information and collecting our uniforms, we went for a briefing by the manager who divided the lot of banquets into 4 teams. In my team, there are 3 guys and 3 gals and turned out that the guys would be the runners whose role was to bring out all the plates of food to gals to serve. Imagine carrying 10 plates of main course dishes on a tray for countless of rounds…Furthermore, different dishes are located at different rooms and you really have to walk fast, not run, so as not to break the plates or glasses. The gals will be inside the hall topping drinks for the guests. After the guests finished the food, the runners then have to bring all the dirty plates, collected by the gals, into the big smelly basin in the kitchen. The grant finale will be the packing up after the guests left. The gals cleared up the tables while the guys stacked up the chairs and rolled the cleared tables into the furniture room. All in all, it’s really like sia kang for just $6 per hour. The good thing is I managed not to break anything and my captain and staffs were nice. But honestly speaking, being a banquet is really not my dish. It’s going to be my once in a lifetime experience and hence, the photo for memory.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Less fantasy, more reality
When Love needed some motions,
Are you going to make it happen?
Don’t just say all the right things,
I’m not sure how long I can keep waiting.
There’s a thing they have been telling me.
Better regret the things you do, than the things you don’t do.
I don’t need you to be a slut or something,
I just need you to know, you can have my cake and eat it too.
So go for it, I’m sure you will like.
Don’t be shy, I shall give you some guides.
Kiss me when you say you love me,
Bite me when you feel like it.
“Less fantasy, more reality” is my policy,
Do you get what I mean?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I wanna say, stop the war,
Stop those gunshots…

To find my only goal is to stay alive,
In this living hell where I see people die,
Every waking moment of my life.

I don’t wanna learn how to use a gun
To have the thought of using it,
To shoot the bad guys who try to rape me
Every night.
I don’t wanna leave everything behind,
Look up to the middle of the sky
For bombs which will be coming down
To where I hide.
I don’t wanna lie to my child,
To say that it is gonna be ok,
When I might be gone for a second,
And never ever be coming back.
I wanna say, we are all
Human beings with thoughts and feelings
for god’s sake,
not just some piece of "walking meat".
Let the anger goes,
Let the bullets go,
Let the innocents go,
Let the tears go.....
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006

I just watched the show and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I love watching horror movies especially when they have taught me one thing or two. Of course, if you don’t watch it, you won’t learn from it. So I really urge those who haven’t watched this show to go try. It’s not really scary after all.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

All my friends seem to be doing ok.
Why am I the only one not in the case?
I don’t need plenty of dates,
I just need you to think my way.
Tell me you are busy.
Yes, you know I will believe.
Tell me you are not ignoring me.
Cos you have no idea what you have done to me
By not doing anything.
I wish I could compete
With all those stuff that are preventing you from loving me.
I don’t know what I am doing,
I just wanna make you happy.
And you can’t blame me,
You are the one making me lose me.
God, please tell me it’s worth it,
Or wake me up from this dream.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
A night in the life of a prostitute… Just imagine…
You came in,
Glares exchanged.
You picked me, to make you happy.
First we went hawker to dine-in,
You were not stingy,
I had all I want to eat.
We talked abit,
You said I was too skinny,
You kept feeding me.
But I thought, being thin
Is one of the reasons you chose me.
Next, to a hotel room, we booked in.
You were nervous, I could see.
It’s good, cos I don’t like guys too friendly.
After we bathed, this is when it begins.
Your hands on my silky skin,
Your lips exploring every inch,
You were gentle, like it’s your first time in.
"You are my master; I’m your queen."
“Go deep, feel the magic…”
On bed, on table, on floor beside the fringe,
God, you were better than I imagined.
It’s 3am, you were sleeping like a baby.
On the lamp table, I saw your money.
Not wanting to wake you,
I took it, assuming it’s for me.
Good night and good bye, Mr....eh...darling.
Friday, June 30, 2006
It all Started with a Router…haha...
I am so happy!!! I sold my first Linksys Wireless N router today. Haha, never thought I can make that deal before I quit the job. Reason is because it’s the newest and most expensive router from Linksys (just came out during the IT show 2006 in early this month) and it’s an untold-but-known policy that whenever customers come into the shop to ask for expensive stuff (meaning more than $200), they belong to the seniors’ sale. However, today, it’s only a senior, a junior and I.
“Oh my god, I nearly forgot to mention: I have got a junior. Haha… My boss is kind enough to give me a newcomer to torture for a while before I leave the job. Haha… I’m kidding la. Just ask him to do all the vacuuming of floor, wiping the glass panes, clearing of garbage, putting the price tags, arranging the goods and buying lunch for the rest of us while I’m reading Today only mah. I mean that’s what he will be doing after I leave, so it’s good to let him adapt to the working environment fast. Right?!? Haha…”
Back to the topic, so my senior was serving a customer who was planning to get an IP camera (most expensive in the shop…). Then this customer came in and asked for linksys router. I have no idea he want, or neither did he know that he want a Wireless N router. After explaining to him how a router actually works, he wished to take a look at the high-end router, which leads to me introducing him the $239 product. This is my first time trying to sell that product to a customer and when he said he wants, I tell you, even my senior stopped explaining to his customer and looked at us. Haha… The feeling is really really great. It reminded me of the first router I sold when I first started working. For those who don’t know, before I joined the company, I know no shit about what router is. Haha….
But good times always end fast. Tomorrow will be my last day working at Sim lim. When I handed my resignation letter to my boss, he asked me whether I wished to work part time on Saturdays and Sundays when school starts. I promised to give him an answer after I got my NTU course time-table. If time permit, there’s no reason to say “NO” to money.
I really have a great time working all these while. I must really thank the staff, my boss and my friends who came to visit me and see how I am doing. I really appreciated it. Plus, I also saw some celebrities like, jeanette aw, bryan wong from super idol, Linda liow…. etc.
Now, I’m just looking forward to having a good break and some revision before school starts. For those who are free and interested, can ask me out in the month of July. Be quick to book me, before you need a queue number from me…haha…
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Love to game
You think I have a motive to be good to you.
If so, do you still want me to be good to you?
Cos you were angry when I start to ignore you.
Please tell me if I fit your bill,
I’m tired of trying to guess how you feel.
Can I still trust love to know me best;
To help me determine whether to be happy/sad;
To return to my first love if she wants me back;
Or to just settle for the 2nd best?
Cos love is not a dating game;
Definitely not some competitions among ‘kids’.
So don’t treat me like a pig,
To come to me just to satisfy your needs.
You should know what I meant.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Today is my off day and I have to go for my follow up appointment at the national eye center. It’s been a week since my lasik surgery and, according to my doctor, Mr Leonard Ang, everything is looking fine. “The eyesight will still fluctuate as the wound is still healing and an eye test will be done to confirm your perfect eyesight one month later.” That’s was he said.
After that, it’s dinner time at Jurong Point with Mingrui and Zhaojun. It’s first meet up after we got our A level results in 2004. 2 years come and go, just like that. We had Fish & Co. which was also a birthday treat for Zhaojun from the 2 of us. My first time at Fish & Co. and I would say the food just tasted ok. But seriously, it’s the company and the time we had that counts. We chatted just about anything and it’s good to know that everything is looking good for the both of them. I mean, 2 years and they still look the same as before, just prettier… haha… If you don’t believe me, just look at the pics below. But don’t need to think too much cos both of them are attached liao… I can’t wait to go ntu and see how the rest of my friends are doing. According to them, they are doing not bad either. After the chatting and window-shopping and photo taking, it’s home sweet home, tired but happy.

Monday, June 19, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
I Hate You
I thought I have given you up,
Until you suddenly showed up.
I didn’t know what to do,
I hid behind you.
I couldn’t help but look at you,
Though I didn’t even have the guts to ask, “How are you?”
Until you were out of my view,
Pain is only what I could feel.
That’s when I realized I am far from over you.
I hate you for making me fall for you.
I hate you for telling me how to deal,
Bullshitting about what time could heal.
I hate you for not feeling any guilt.
If only there’s one last thing you could do for me,
Please help me to get you out of my life completely.
I hate you, I hate you, I hate......
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
“Just relax your eyes and focus on the red light…”
Yah, that’s what my operating doctor said to me in the Operation Room (OR) when I went for my lasik today. 10 question marks immediately popped out above my head. “Focus or relax?” I asked the doctor. “Focus.” He told me. Obediently, I followed all the instructions and I must say it went quite well. No pain, just lied down and looked up at the red dot of light for 5min and let him do the work. And that’s it, end of operation. Now, all I have to do is to put artificial teardrops every 15 mins and antibiotic drop every 2 hours…for a week. Tomorrow will be a check to see if every thing went as well as I thought. Till then, I will be keeping my fingers crossed and dropping my teardrops.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
SO HOW......
So this is how you express love?
Just said it and then go sleep with others.
After the night of action then come call me your precious.
Tell you what, darling, I don’t work this way no more.
I can wake up in the middle of my sweet little dream and not free any heartache.
Just because I know it’s all unreal anyway.
So you think I will turn and look the other side,
When you finally decide to apologize for my countless sleepless nights.
Save your breath cos I not need that,
I am fine over at this side.
So if you have crossed the line I drew,
And still act like nothing’s wrong and be so cool.
Don’t blame me for walking out without leaving a clue.
I want you out of my life for good.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Like a breeze, it comes gently and goes quietly.
Only the ones in it felt it no matter how light it is.
Very often we let it slip away before we realized what we missed.
Ever did anyone tell you to feel it if you can’t see?
My lord, here I am speaking like a love pro.
Even when I know you know so much I don’t know.
Please forgive me, for not listening.
I was blinded by the light others gave.
Can you give me a second chance?
Keep me warm again with your golden sun.
Memories might trap us and stop us from moving forward,
Eating our guts to love might not necessarily prevent hurt.
Connect your body, mind and soul.
Hop onto the ride; be ready to get what you have sowed.
Only the good ones grow well to be told.
Only the good ones know.
So don’t waste anymore chances, stop being cold.
Every little thing adds up to your goal.
My friend, if you know what I mean,
Email me, tell me about it.
Monday, May 29, 2006
A lot of people have been asking me about the list of stuff I bought from Sim Lim Square. "Good or bad? Got cheaper or not? Why buy this? Why like that?" Haha... I don't mind being the guinea pig or to answer all your questions, but please don't question my answers. If that's the case, why bother to ask me in the first place? For those who know me well will know that I don't spend money like running tap water. In fact, I would consider myself to be someone who is too careful with money, especially, when it comes to my hard earned money you are talking about. So there's this question about the alarm clock that I die die have to buy at Sim Lim. Haha... I find it quite practical wat... I need it to wake me up every morning for work!!! And it's also because of its design. Don't know how to describe. Here's the picture of it... with me...

It's very cheap. Can still get back your change with a $10 note.
Friday, May 26, 2006

So here we are, gathered for the first time after we ord, at the suntec ballroom for our ord dinner. I must say, it’s the best dinner I have since my prom night. I don’t know why, I can’t help but to recall back my prom night. Maybe it’s because of the formal thing, and MC and the games stuff and the lucky draw… Ya, I think it’s the formal thing. I never wear formal clothes to dinners, other than prom night, n then this. It’s a good dinner though, no ranks, no hard feelings, no nothing, just a bunch of friends coming together, enjoying a nice evening.
After all, nothing can beat a night spent with good entertainment, good food with good friends beside. Speaking about good entertainment, all thanks to the MC of the night. God, he is so so good that he made 41SAR looked such a fun unit to stay in. I came so close to consider signing on to the unit. Haha…. Just kidding. But still, he is good and experienced. Witty and yet crappy speeches, good timing to music, he seems to be doing this like forever.
Seeing how well each and everyone is doing, even for the regulars and those still in army- waiting to get out, can’t help but feel happy for them. Really, ORD is great. ORD means a lot of things made possible ahead. Seeing all these smart people, once I have worked with, fulfilling their various dreams, really make me excited for them too. Haha… I don’t know exactly what their various dreams were, or how well they are working on them, but I know that they all looking very good, too good to be letting all their wishes say NO to them. Still I wish all of them the very best.
Now back at home, back to reality… need to get back to bed. Working tmr… nite
Monday, May 22, 2006
1. Work, work and more work… No time for TV, let alone blogging. Eating dinner, Watching grey’s anatomy and blogging at the same time. Ya, tell me about it.
2. Shop, shop and more shopping. Suddenly realized how many stuff I brought home from SIM LIM Square. A linksys router, Panasonic earphones, usb 2.0 pci, 50 dvd-r, alarm clock ?!?, TV tuner and most importantly, an Acer laptop. I think I am returning all my pay back to sim lim… or more…
3. I am happy. Unlike most of my customers, I am able to put the stuff I bought into good use. Done setting up a network with my pc and laptop using a router, record TV programes into my pc using TV tuner, burn the shows into DVD with my laptop. Phew~ But still, got time to burn, no time to watch.
4. Begin to pick up on reading, on the mrt trains to and back from work. That’s the only time I have for myself. Now reading “A simple story” by S.Y.Agnon. Not so much of a simple story, but it’s a nice, enchanting, easy to read book.
5. So many invitations I cant go to. For examples, my army mate, Chris Neo leaving Singapore for good but I cant go airport to send him off, jc friend, lena’s 21 birthday party, the ord dinner coming up…still not sure if I can attend it or not. Haiz…. All because of my job. I’m sorry, but not so sorry. Reason because I happen to like my job very much.
6. Still I need a break. I want to give myself a time off before entering ntu. So maybe, I will be handing in my resignation letter at the end of june. Yeah, they are expecting a resignation letter from me, how ionic is that. We shall see.
7. They said, “what you don’t think of cant attract you”, but, thinking of how you are not in my thoughts, I thought of you. Hope you are listening…
8. All in all, my life is organized in the way it wants to be right now.
9.Ord, the best thing that has happened to me so far.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Isn’t love a funny thing?
Or is it us being ionic?
Ok, we all know it’s something we need.
And we will go all the way,
Just to find that special somebody.
Lying, being screwed… so be it.
But when we finally come face to face with it,
We turn away,
Too timid, so to speak,
Too afraid of losing it.
No, I’m not going to turn away this time.
I’m not going to do something I might regret
For the rest of my life.
Because I still like it when you care if my appetite is fed,
Because I still like it when you order food for me.
Because I still like it when you know what is good for me.
Because I still like it when you do the thing (with that thing).
And so,
If love has a rule, screw it.
Life is too damn short to be following with these rules.
If love comes with a price, bring it.
I have got nothing to lose.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Finally no OT today, and after a nap, I decided to write about my first 3 days experience as an IT retail assistant at SIM LIM SQUARE. First of all, I must be considered lucky that the staffs I have been working with so far are quite nice to me. I have learnt a lot about networking like cables, routers, bluetooth, PDAs and memory cards, which I hardly come across to before I started working. Basically, that’s what we sell. Everyone has been very patience with me and I am trying to learn fast to not be a troublesome colleague to the senior stuffs.
A daily routine in a shop for me is to tidy up the shop in the morning, greet and serve the customers who entered the shop and answers their questions as short and simple as possible. At the end of the day, 7.30pm++, count the day’s earning and close the shop. As a temp staff, making a deal and competing sale’s coda with my working staff is the least concern I have in mind. I am just enjoying the conversations I have with the customers (mainly the good looking ones) and the things I do. But that doesn’t mean I feel good when the temp staffs keyed in their names instead of mine when I was the one who sell the products to the customers. You see, I am still new and I am still not allowed to touch the cashier computer. But, for now, I just treat it as my learning fee for them and if they really need my sales to help them hit the 40k coda per month for commission, I am glad to help.
Throughout these 3 days, I have seen some of my friends already. At least they still recognize me in long sleeve shirt and business pants and leather shoes. Before that, I don’t even know there’s sale person who wears formal wear in SIM LIM. I am not complaining about the attire or anything, NO, I am complaining about the attire. I HAVE LIMITED PAIRS OF LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS AND BUSINESS PANTS. Haha… But that’s nothing when compared to long hours of standing (11am-8pm), 6 workdays a week, no lunch break (have to eat in shop when there’s no customer), a nasty boss and sometimes, nasty customers too. By the time I reached home, it’s about 10pm tired and hungry (without having my dinner yet). It’s hard earned money I have to say. 4th day is Good Friday and I am expecting more customers. Just looking forward to my first off day now. Nite…
Monday, April 10, 2006
10th of April,
No longer a soldier.
No more suffer
Under SAF’s orders.
“Ord lor!!!”
Finally said it like I really mean it. Throughout these 2 yrs and 4 mths, I think I have met and interact with more people than I ever have during my school days. PTP>>BMT>>SISPEC>>SOA>>KRANJI CAMP, Smelly Recruit>>Lousy Spec.
Not all people are nice,
True feelings they tend to hide.
And they don’t always do what you like.
Some of them even bite.
There were times when I really felt like quitting (downgrade and find the easy way out). Fortunately/ Unfortunately, due to my “chicken little” characteristic, I carried on with it and here I am writing this. Before closing this chapter of my life(it’s about time already), I wanna say thank you to all the people who help me throughout the journey and make my experience one that is free of Extras, 12o6, SOL, DB…..etc. THANK YOU……Lastly, for those who are still on this journey, I wanna say to you, “hang on, it’s soon gonna be your turn.”
Saturday, April 08, 2006
PHS SYF 2001 Intro
PHS SYF 2001 Singapura Medley
PHS SYF 2001 Oregon
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Sometime I wish I were mute,
Since I can’t express what I want.
Always saying the wrong things at the wrong time,
Causing trouble, killing all the fun.
Sometime I wish I were deaf,
Especially when I were mute.
No points hearing others sing when I can’t.
Give me either all or none.
Sometime I wish I were blind.
But not when I was deaf and mute.
I still don’t wanna be left behind,
To be helpless and wait for someone kind.
Haiz, screw it,
I can’t even make up my mind.
Little children grow,
Grow to what they wanna show.
To impress people they wanna know,
To get into the flow and go
To fulfill their dreams and goals,
To become greater person they ever know.
Eventually to find someone before getting old,
And make life less cold as they were told.
Yes, little children grow
To what only time will know.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
The news came earlier than what I expected. I was actually still sleeping when Joyse called. I called back and she told me to go to her office at 11am on 11 April 2006 before she will accompany me to the IT shop, which I will be working in SIM LIM. You see, I told you she is a nice person and nice person brings good news. Looking forward to the 10 April 2006, my ORD date like I always do.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
You see, now singing is the most ‘in’ thing
And there’s nothing greater than being on TV.
Prepare yourself; get your voice ready,
Cos you never know who they are voting.
Sometimes you got in, sometimes you got out,
Sometimes, if you were really lucky,
You got in after you got out.
But remember this,
There’s no reason to be sad if you can’t win,
At least you got yourself on TV.
Give yourself some credit,
Your passion is what they can’t beat.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006

The results of your analysis say:
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.
You are affectionate, passionate, expressive, and future-oriented.
You are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action.
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
When my aunt insisted hers was good;
I took a sip.
I learnt to appreciate maggi,
When my grandma cooked it for me,
Using her secret recipe.
I learnt to appreciate myself,
When I see the figures jumping in my bank account monthly,
I bought myself gifts.
I learnt to appreciate friends,
When they told me it’s on every Monday night,
They brought happiness to my life.
I learnt to appreciate my home,
When I only got to visit it once every week,
With that, I thank the army.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Does it always have to be their way?
So you let them touch your breast just because they said it’s fake?
So you let them take advantage and then get paid?
Maybe there’s nothing wrong with being fake.
Maybe it’s better for to be hated.
God, why do we have to go through so much pain?
God, why did you die for us if that’s the case?
Friday, February 10, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
So it’s like “desperate housewives” didn’t give me the kick enough, “Grey’s anatomy” just got me hooked. I don’t know if I’m the only TV freak here, but “Grey’s anatomy” just rocks big time. I mean it’s ER + SCRUBS + hell lots more… It always gives me goosebumps (the good ones) every time I watched the show and I don’t know how I can describe it further than to ask you to watch it yourself if you want to know what I am talking about. For those who don’t know, it’s on channel 5 every Mondays at 11pm, right after the “desperate housewives”. It really makes being doctors and surgeons seems like a very cool and meaningful job to have, and even if you would think maybe, it’s just another drama series, why not give it a try and maybe get a cure for your “Monday blues”? I know I did and it kind of work for me…...
Friday, February 03, 2006
We just saw that in Chinese New Year,
Festivals bring in people.
Collecting red packets after reunion dinner,
Is one out of many examples.
Busy people kind of needs them more than other,
To have a reason to rest and gather.
Luckily for them,
Festivals come one after another.
Valentine’s day comes right after the New Yr.
So who is complaining no time to spend with their lovers?
Saturday, January 28, 2006
People I work with everyday,
Not always the ones I like everyday,
Not always work the way I like everyday.
It sucks but so is life anyway.
And somehow it’s the only way.
To handle things which are not child’s play.
Some idiots come and go along the way
“At least it’s not happening everyday…” I pray.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
You fuckin' piece of shit.
You are the slacking, not-doing-anything ass-pipe
You don’t deserve the right to comment on people not working
You are stupid enough to suck in all the crap you think is right
You thought you are so cool now, not doing anything.
I’m telling you, I don’t give a shit about you,
So u better leave me alone, you pig-ass-big-head-cow-dung.
Finally, i let it out.
Two more months...
Friday, January 20, 2006
I never actually talk about my army life ever since I entered unit simply because, first, there is nothing good or worth to tell, second is I don’t wanna accidentally spill any restricted secret out and get myself into unnecessary trouble. Trust me, it doesn’t worth a hydrogen atom. But this week, I see a lot. Really a lot. I see how good people work with good people, I see how good people work with bad people, I see how bad people who doesn’t work and only know how to cause trouble. People tell lies, but bad people are those who tell lies unnecessarily and put blame on the good people. This sort of people can be found everywhere. I myself cannot stand liars. I realized that when I discover all the people I dislike are all fakers and good “actors”. Talking bad stuff behind people’s back is really not my kind of thing and before that, I thought that this entry is going to be one for me to vent my anger on this idiot in camp and let it all out. This is until when I reached home and then, magically, all the frustrations went away and understand that we are all humans after all. Maybe that’s why I always wanna go nowhere, but to return home to my family. Family is still the best.
That I Would Be Good
by Alanis Morissette / sun yanzi
That I would be good even if I did nothing
That I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
That I would be good if I got and stayed sick
That I would be good even if I gained ten pounds
That I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
That I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
That I would be great if I was no longer queen
That I would be grand if I was not all knowing
That I would be loved even when I numb myself
That I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
That I would be loved even when I was fuming
That I would be good even if I was clingy
That I would be good even if I lost sanity
That I would be good
Whether with or without you
Friday, January 06, 2006

2006, I don’t know why.
If u carry on to be like that,
I’m starting to miss 2005.
All the anticipation and things like that,
Never goes accordingly as planned.
And I still wanna believe in you,
Only because that’s the only thing I can do.
Believing that things will somehow get better,
Believing that people will treat each other better.
Believing that the world will fail us never.
Believing that life is now or never.
Believing is all that I can do……
Monday, January 02, 2006

This is life
Just like we need food to stay alive,
Human’s needs are never satisfied.
Haven’t learnt to walk; yet they want to fly.
Never settle with simple; they always want it better.
Until it’s over; before they thought of the word “treasure”.
God, I just pray I don’t die being a sinner.
I promise I will be better this year…